Estia +
Price: From 3.200€
Estia+ is addressed to municipalities and non-governmental organizations that intervene in the presence of vulnerable social groups, fully covering their practical daily activities
Estia+ is a cloud application and is provided in the form of Software As A Service, Software As A Service (SaaS). It works without the need to install special infrastructure or equipment, so that the user has easy access from anywhere.
The friendly and easy-to-use environment of Estia+ allows the quick and effective treatment of the daily practical challenges faced by the social structures. Actions related to the reception of beneficiaries, the approach of the homeless, the provision of medical services, counseling and psychological support but also the distribution of basic hygiene, clothing and food items are digitally recorded and recorded in the history of actions per structure and per beneficiary. In this way, information consolidation and therefore more rational resource management is achieved which becomes measurable through statistical and standardized reports.
Estia+ provides the Municipalities and NGOs with the following specialized functionalities for the optimization of their social structures:
- Creating a complete picture of the benefits of the structure to each beneficiary, but also of the reintegration efforts and psychosocial support he receives (who, who went, what he received).
- Modular operation and ability to adapt according to the needs of each structure.
- Detailed presentation of the contribution of resources (services and products) utilized and exploited by each structure.
- Creation of an individual card for each beneficiary, to facilitate his service.
- Detailed recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Transparency in service, ensuring prerequisites by the persons who are beneficiaries of the structures
- Measuring the effectiveness of the Structures and their employees.
- Remote access to the system for easy use from anywhere without specialized programs.
- Ability to use barcode scanner in all structures, for easy and fast management of beneficiaries and products
More specifically, per structure, Estia+ works as follows:
The Central Management System is addressed to the structure which will have the supervision of the entire Information System. Through the Central Management System it is possible to configure the basic functions of the system which may include:
- Data management of other applications related to beneficiaries (monthly beneficiary credit limits, types of consulting provided, etc.)
- Create user access accounts for each subsystem
- Design of the card of the beneficiaries in order to have access to the Structures (eg size, color, logo, listed elements, etc.)
- Introduction to the platform and the basic information of the body and structures, which are used when exporting statistics / reports.
- The monitoring and printing of reports regarding the arrival and departure times of the staff employed in the Structures
The Central System Administrator has the ability to export statistics and reports of all structures of the platform. The export can be done either in encoded digital format or in printable format.
Exported items include:
- The number of beneficiaries who have access to each structure.
- Create complex searches from all beneficiary details.
- The services provided per beneficiary.
- The frequency of services provided to the beneficiaries.
- The products that entered or were offered by each structure
- The number and categories of suppliers
The Central Management System also provides the operator with a comprehensive financial monitoring tool for the project, which includes:
- System for measuring the efficiency of employees in structures.
- Registration of expenditures in the corresponding categories of expenditures according to the program implementation guide.
- Entry, recording and processing of all documents of expenses as well as payments for each structure, in the corresponding categories of expenses according to the implementation guide.
- Export all data to excel for further processing.
- Monthly Expenditure Bulletins, Progress Monitoring Bulletins.
- Export of expenses in the form for their immediate sending to the OPS.
The Community Center subsystem supports both the registration of beneficiaries in the system and the issuance – printing of the beneficiary’s personal card.
Through the barcode written on the card of the beneficiary, the staff of the Structures (either using the barcode or manually) has the ability to see the Structures to which he has access and to record in his account the services and products he receives.
Also, through the subsystem of the Community Center, the beneficiaries are introduced who may receive support from other social support programs, thus achieving more comprehensive service to the beneficiaries, but also overall monitoring of the products and services offered by the structures. The subsystem includes:
- Recording and processing of beneficiaries’ data
- Issuance of an individual card of the beneficiary with the possibility of printing
- Ability to specify the Structures to which the beneficiary will have access
- Ability to activate / deactivate beneficiary account
- Ability to create complex reports concerning beneficiaries with common characteristics (marital status, employment status, educational level, gender, nationality, place of residence, income, etc.)
- Recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Export data in printable form, relating to the services provided by the structure.
The Basic Goods Distribution subsystem manages both the products that circulate in the structure and the recording of purchases made by the beneficiaries. The subsystem includes:
- Management system for inputs / outputs of products in circulation as well as those that are withdrawn (eg withdrawal due to expiration date).
- Recording of the products provided to the beneficiaries based on their monthly credit limit.
- Identification of each beneficiary and provision of products according to his needs.
- Recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Ability to use Barcode Scanner for products and beneficiary cards.
- Registration of local companies, citizens, organizations, etc., who offer products to the structure.
- Recording the prices of products and suppliers.
- Extraction of reports and statistics of the operation of the structure
The Food Distribution subsystem manages both the products and materials used for the preparation of meals and the registration of beneficiaries who receive food daily. The subsystem includes:
- Management system for the products used for the preparation of the meals as well as those that are withdrawn (eg due to the expiration of the expiration date).
- Recording of beneficiaries who receive food daily.
- Ability to use Barcode Scanner to record and manage beneficiaries.
- Recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Management system of local companies, citizens, organizations, etc., that offer products to the Structure.
- Registration of suppliers.
- Record the materials used for the preparation of meals, the number of meals produced daily and the menu of the day.
- Extraction of reports and statistics of the operation of the Structure
The Social Pharmacy subsystem is responsible both for the management of the drugs distributed in it and for the recording of the purchases made by the beneficiaries. The subsystem includes:
- Management system for inputs / outputs of drugs in circulation as well as those that are withdrawn (eg withdrawal due to expiration date)
- Recording of the medicines provided to the beneficiaries.
- Ability to use Barcode Scanner for medicines and beneficiaries.
- Recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Registration of local pharmacies, citizens, institutions, etc., which offer drugs to the Structure.
- Recording the prices of medicines and suppliers.
- Extraction of reports and statistics of the operation of the Structure
The subsystem supports the operation of the Open Day Care Centers for the Homeless and through it is recorded the visits, services, exams, meal materials and other support services offered to the beneficiaries. The subsystem includes:
- Management system of the products used for the preparation of the meals as well as those that are withdrawn (eg due to the expiration of the expiration date).
- Registration of beneficiaries who receive food daily.
- Ability to use Barcode Scanner to record and manage beneficiaries.
- Recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Management system of local companies, citizens, organizations, etc., that offer products to the Structure.
- Registration of suppliers.
- Record the materials used for the preparation of meals, the number of meals produced daily and the menu of the day.
- Extraction of reports and statistics of the operation of the Structure
The subsystem supports the operation of Overnight Hostels and through it is recorded the visits, examinations, services, materials, medicines, meals and support services offered to the beneficiaries. The subsystem includes:
- Bed management and recording of visits – overnight stays of the beneficiaries.
- Record the visits made by the beneficiaries as well as the examinations, services, materials, medicines and meals they receive at each visit.
- Ability to use Barcode Scanner both for material management and for recording visits.
- Management system for meals entering the hostel as well as those that are withdrawn (eg due to non-availability, age or expiration date).
- Recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Registration of local businesses, citizens, organizations, etc., who offer materials and meals in the Structure.
- Registration of suppliers.
- Extraction of reports and statistics of the operation of the Structure
The subsystem supports the operation of Transitional Hostels and through it is recorded the visits, services, meals, materials and support services offered to the beneficiaries. The subsystem includes:
- Beneficiaries’ accommodation management system.
- Record the visits made by the beneficiaries as well as the services, materials and meals they receive at each visit.
- Ability to use Barcode Scanner both for material management and for recording visits.
- Management system for meals entering the Guesthouse as well as those that are withdrawn (eg due to non-availability, age or expiration date).
- Recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Registration of local businesses, citizens, organizations, etc., who offer materials and meals in the Structure.
- Registration of suppliers.
- Extraction of reports and statistics of the operation of the Structure
The subsystem covers the operation of the Supported Apartments and through it the management of the apartments is done as well as the recording of the services, materials, meals, financial aid and support services offered to the beneficiaries. The subsystem includes:
- Apartment management system where each beneficiary resides.
- Recording of services, materials, meals and financial aid for accounts they receive.
- Ability to use Barcode Scanner to manage materials.
- Management System of the materials that enter the Hostel as well as those that are withdrawn (eg due to non-disposal, age).
- Recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Registration of local companies, citizens, organizations, etc., who offer materials to the Structure.
- Recording the prices of products and suppliers.
- Extraction of reports and statistics of the operation of the Structure
The subsystem supports the operation of Day Care Centers – Day Care for Persons with Disabilities and through it is recorded the visits, services, treatment operations, employment activities and meals offered to the beneficiaries. The subsystem includes:
- Record the visits made by the beneficiaries as well as the services, treatment operations, employment activities and meals they receive at each visit.
- Management system for meals entering the Structure, as well as those that are withdrawn (eg due to non-availability, age or expiration date).
- Ability to use Barcode Scanner for meals and beneficiaries.
- Recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Registration of local businesses, citizens, organizations, etc., who offer meals in the Structure.
- Recording of meal prices and suppliers.
- Extraction of reports and statistics of the operation of the Structure
The subsystem supports the operation of the Day Care Center for the Elderly and through this is recorded the visits, services, employment activities of meals and support services offered to the beneficiaries. The subsystem includes:
- Record the visits made by the beneficiaries as well as the services, employment activities and meals they receive at each visit.
- Management system for meals entering the Structure, as well as those that are withdrawn (eg due to non-availability, age or expiration date).
- Ability to use Barcode Scanner for meals and beneficiaries.
- Recording of the psychosocial support received by each beneficiary from the Social Workers, and their progress towards the improvement of their situation.
- Registration of local businesses, citizens, organizations, etc., who offer meals in the Structure.
- Recording of meal prices and suppliers.
- Extraction of reports and statistics of the operation of the Structure
*The Central Management System is mandatory.
*The rest of the applications can be purchased individually.
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